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Night watchman tour

ʺListen, gentlemen, and let me tell you ...ʺ

An evening with a real night watchman in Hof - an unforgettable experience for everyone! It's a pleasure to be whisked away to the past before the great Hof town fire in 1823 and listen to the stories of the Hof night watchman.

Whenever the tower clock struck the hour, the night watchman would sound his horn and then call out the hour - he sang a different song for every hour. The citizens could turn to the other side with peace of mind, knowing that the night watchman was keeping an eye on all dangers. But the hourly song was not his only task: he had to keep an eye out for thieves in the streets, mediate in the event of a fire and between the tower keeper of St. Michael's and the Büttelei and also light the pitch pans.

And only if everything was in order was he allowed to extinguish them at midnight and continue his rounds - for the safety of the citizens of Hof. Our Hof night watchman tells you about his duties, the events and special features of his work in Hof.

Dates 2024: Fridays February 2, March 1, April 5, May 10, June 7, July 5, September 6, October 11 and November 8 at 8 p.m., on December 31 at 6 p.m.
Meeting point is the town hall fountain, Klosterstr. 1, 95028 Hof


Price: €6.00/person
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Registration is required at the Tourist Information Office on 09281/815-7777 or touristinfo(at)


Due to staff shortages, the winter opening hours must still be maintained in May 2024.

Last Saturday, Mayor Eva Döhla officially opened the tourist season in Hof.

The Hof Tourist Information Office will be open from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in April 2024.

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Tourist info

Department of Economic Development, Tourism

Ludwigstraße 24

95028 Hof

09281 815 7777